Mother Tongue
1. What are the subjects offered for Mother Tongue at SAJC?
Chinese Language (H1)
Malay Language (H1)
Tamil Language (H1)
Chinese Language and Literature (H2)
Tamil Language and Literature (H2)
2. How is Mother Tongue taught in SAJC?
Our Curriculum
The Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Department adopts a student-centric approach in the delivery of our lessons. In planning our curriculum, we design schemes of work that are current and relevant aligned to the new syllabus. As a department, we adopt a wide range of teaching techniques to achieve deep learning and the desired outcomes for MTL students. We motivate and empower them to become active and self-directed learners, while setting meaningful assignments and tasks, catered to differentiated levels, to help students achieve mastery. Our students’ progress are monitored both formally (summative) and informally (formative) through regular feedback on their assignments, tasks, tests and examinations. Last but not least, we also emphasise on a values-driven education for our students.
Our strategy in motivating students
We believe in a culture of trust where both teachers and students can learn from each other and develop meaningful and respectful relationships to grow a community of learners.
We promote a growth mindset and build on students’ strengths. We allow autonomy of choice for their learning and assessment whenever possible. If not possible, we create authentic learning experiences and make connections to real world situations.
Integration of technological aide as well as teaching resources from the Internet keeps our students motivated and engaged.
We give meaningful praise that helps students to know what they are doing right. We offer rewards where due to promote friendly competition and as acknowledgement of their effort in their progress towards attaining mastery in different areas.
We provide opportunities for cooperative learning to inculcate universal values, problem-based learning to develop critical and creative thinking so they will be equip with facing the future.
3. What can I do to prepare for Mother Tongue?
MTL Reading Programme (Term 1-3)
Intensive MTL lessons (held in mid-October)
Revision packages
Mock Examination to simulate actual exam condition
Face-to-face or Zoom consultations – individual, pairs or group.
For more information about Mother Tongue, please refer to our latest College Prospectus.
You may also visit the SEAB's website for the latest information on the syllabus.